The objective of this meeting was to discuss and share information on the gender activities currently implemented in Mongolia and to talk about possibilities for planning and coordinating activities among gender related NGOs (WIMM, National Center Against Violence, Women in Social Progress, Open Society Forum and Women for Change), government agency (National Gender Committee), educational and research institutions (Mongolian National University, German-Mongolian Institute for recourse and technology, Social policy and development research institute) and projects of GIZ (Coopertative vocational education and training in the mineral recourse sector project, Integrated mineral resources initiative, Consolidating the legal framework for sustainable economic development and other projects), and UN (UNPAGE “Partnership for Action on Green Economy” Project, UNREDD Project) in line with the Government Plans of Action on Gender Equality.
Participants discussed the challenges to overcome and ways to improve synergies among cross-cutting gender topics in 2017, lessons learned of past activities and ways of collaboration under the National Program on Gender Equality 2016-2020.